Saturday, April 26, 2008

Our April Showers Blizzard

We had snow all day yesterday! It started early and went on until after dark. Schools were closed, roads were closed, almost everything was closed. It 's wet and heavy so it will melt quickly, today it's 45 degrees and you can really see it go. I'll post pictures.

I turned 60 this month and I really don't feel like it. I woke up that morning and it felt just like any other morning so I got up and got going! It is true that you are only as old as you feel.

My daughter's surgery was postponed. She developed strep to her surgery is now on May 21.

Not much else going on. Our snow is quickly melting so I suppose our spring flowers will be up and at 'em soon. Then yard work starts:-( and the mower comes out. It is good excersize but oh so hot in the summer!

Remember that tomorrow is Sunday! I'll see you in church!


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